Montag, 19. März 2018



Katherine stood before the principle’s door and sighed. She pushed up her glasses, which had slid down her nose again. She wasn’t certain if one of the boys were responsible for that. If one of them was, if he had done something to her glasses or to her nose?
Of course, it could have been two boys, onone responsible for her glasses the other for her nose. Trying to make heads or tails of the situation made her head spin. So many possibilities. So hard to tell what was the boys’ actions and what wasn’t, what was real and what was all in her head. Hardest of all was trying to rememer what had been real before she came to this strange, strange school. She didn’t think she could handle another week. Which was why she had come here to Dr. Torrent’s office.
She knocked on the office door and entered at Dr. Torrent’s call.
“Oh Katherine! I was hoping you would come by!” the well-dressed man in his thirties exclaimed with genuine warmth in his eyes and voice. “Please, have a seat and tell me how your first week at the School for Precocious Youth has gone?”
He gestured to the wooden chair in front of his desk. Katherine looked at it with trepidation, but resigned herself and carefully sat, holding her bare thighs tight together and crossing her ankles, her black pencil skirt riding up from its starting point at mid-thigh to a little bit higher. She was cheek-flushingly aware that her panties currently flew from the school’s flag pole. Her high-heeled shoes glinted and she noticed that they were made of silvered mirrors. She wondered when they had changed from the clear acrylic they had been at lunch. Or had they always been like that and she just imagined the acrylic?
She looked up at the principal.
“I just don’t think I can do this, Dr. Torrent,” she said, emotion roiling. “I…I thought I could but the boys…they’re just…just so…”
“Precocious does understate it, doesn’t it?” Dr. Torrent said, frowning in sympathy. “They have remarkable powers and not nearly enough self-control. But that’s why they NEED good teachers like YOU, Katherine! Imagine the damage they could do to society if they didn’t get a decent education? The education you’re giving them won’t just make their lives better, it will save the world! Really, you’re like a superhero!”
Katherine blushed furiously.
“That’s the thing, Dr. Torrent,” she said. “Sometimes in class I start thinking I AM a superhero. I think that’s Tommy’s doing. He seems to like comic books and sometimes he starts staring at me and I start thinking that being a mild-mannered school teacher is just a ruse. And then the bell rings and I realize the world is in danger and I rip off my clothes and find I’m wearing MegaWoman costume or a Sassy Lass costume or even a Magical Girl Mizuki costume and I do battle with supervillains or monsters that aren’t really even there, usually defeating them by shaking my breasts at them.”
“Your what?” asked Dr. Torrent, looking scandalized.
“Oh my god!” Katherine exclaimed, her right hand going to her mouth. “Did I say br…I meant titties! My tittles! I shake my titties at the monsters. I’m so sorry, Dr. Torrent. That’s Kyle’s doing, I think. He seems to like to change words around in my head. He had me thinking that it was vulgar to call my funbags ‘titties’ and that the polite term was br…I mean, um, that other word. Wednesday he had me calling pencils ‘peckerwood’. And I think on my very first day he had me introduce myself as Ms. Cockgobbler!”

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